Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Choosing Topics

Choosing the topics for a research paper is easy. Trying to choose a topic that 20 other people have to agree with is hard. That's what we had to do today in class. We had a list of 9 topics to choose from, they were: Education, Gender, Pop Culture, Race/Ethnicity, Religion, Environment, Family, Sexuality, and Crime and Punishment. It was easy at first, we narrowed it down to 5 categories, and then it got difficult. Everyone has their own point of views on different topics. It was very interesting hearing the views on what they wanted to write on and why they felt it was a good topic for all of us to agree with. Some arguements were pretty interesting to hear and others just didn't make any sense! We couldn't decide on three topics in a class period so we had to wait until the next day of class. Some students were determined that they were not giving up on the topic they wanted to do. There was a whole bunch of persuading going on, some arguements going on as well. Although it's hard to to agree on things because no one feels the same we finally got the three topics we wanted, Family, Crime and Punishment, and the hardest one to decide Pop Culture.

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