Monday, April 22, 2013

Becoming an Aunt

I read that there is something special about the relationship between aunts and nieces that is like no other. The aunt plays a unique role in a little girl's life, different than a mother's role or a grandmother's role. The aunt, on the other hand, is usually a peer to the mother, and equal in the family hierarchy, unlike the grandmother, who is one generation up. She is the Mom's equal. Unlike friends, who can come and go, aunts will always be aunts: a steady presence in a niece's life. Although this all might be true, my sister lives two hours away. So unlike how it is with my Aunt, how I see her all the time and we always go out to lunch together, I won't be able to see the sweet thing that often which breaks my heart. Even worse, my sister is due any day now and I won't be able to be up there when she's actually have little miss Kenley Reese!

                                                        Cute little announcement

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